Friday, March 5, 2010

When the Morning Stars Sang

There is a desire in each heart to make sense of the things in this world that seemingly do not make sense. In the great suffering of Job he lamented his sorrow to the God of the heavens. A righteous man who was faced with the very worst happening to him. Suffering people think they need answers. Over two years ago through tragedy I entered this arena of suffering and great wonder as to why. Like Job I also lamented and in the deep sorrow thought that if I knew why, then I would not suffer so.

Two years into this journey has brought me to a broad place. To my very surprise I have realized that should the God that holds my life in his hands reveal the answer to my questions, the pain would still be here. So I, like Job, have started out with questions and have now realized on this side of heaven they very well may never be answered. This is the great question of all ages past and now, "Why does God allow his children to suffer?" and "Why does God seemingly allow evil?". Questions are always allowed, after all God created us and knows our hearts. Many people have their answers, but it is the one who has been stripped of all that gives the greatest comfort when they say there is no answer besides God himself.

When God replied to Job it was far from what he thought he would hear. In the withholding of the answers to Job's questions he would receive something far greater. God himself drew near.

Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
When the morning stars sang together
And all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Job 38:4,7