She came into hearts over twenty years ago. Her name is Hope and she is the first grandchild. Even as a little girl her personality was larger than her. She lights the room up when she walks into it. As a little girl she danced and twirled around the room and would place her feet on her Pappy's feet and they would dance. He told her from the first time he held her that " she was the prettiest baby girl in the whole wide world." And she is. Her smile shines in the darkness of my life. An advocate spirit is what she carries in the depth of her heart.
Even as the next grandchild was being carried by his mother he would come to be known as J.P. (short for Justin Perry). Twenty years ago he graced this world and has not stopped since his arrival. As a little boy he did everything early, even walking at nine months. From the time he was able to walk he would ride the tractor with his Pappy. He was the first grandson and charmed his way into hearts. Even as a little boy he displayed a perfectionist spirit. His desire to "fix things" in my life shines greatly. As a young man now, he has a brave heart.
Emily was born a beautiful baby and still she is. At age seventeen she cares deeply and her heart is veiled unless she knows she can expose it. Her Pappy took her to her first dance in the sixth grade. She would call him when her heart was broke. Because of her love for me she shines in my darkness. When her Pappy was sixty she wrote a letter to him,
I dedicate this to the man who is like my dad. He has always been there for me whenever I needed him. I love him with all my heart and he loves me with all his. We go to his house every Sunday after church and I can't wait to get there because I never know what to expect from him because he is always doing something crazy. He is sixty but lives like he is sixteen. He is my grandfather and my pappy. I love him.
Eli is a treasure that shines even brighter because his dad has left this world. Through Eli I see my son, Jeffrey. He has his dad's eyes. At age thirteen he still loves to come to my house and he wants to take care of me. He has a sensitive spirit and feels deeply. As a little boy he always desired to please and like his dad, he laughed much. He is so smart and excels at so much and yet it is his servant's heart that touches people greatly.
Noah, also like his brother, shines greatly in my life because he is his dad's child. He is so much like him. When he came into this world he was full of life and every day is an adventure to him. At the age of eleven the world is a place to explore. He loves to work with his hands and nothing is too hard for him. He is a free spirit. In Noah there is a warrior spirit. He will defend what he thinks is right. He shines greatly in my life because he reminds me that this life should be lived.
And I will give thee the treasures of darkness,
and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest
know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name,
am the God of Israel.
Isaiah 45:3